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Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Popping in
hey peeps how is everyone going? i'm back in the land. summer school has started :(. still no results from last semester yet ah well, that is uwi for yuh.

looking forward to jumping, but not the season so much. although it has got off to a good start wid bunji and machel. i like the new Tim's on de highway but it was though good gosh.

growing up is a beautiful thing. everyday a little older and wiser. looking back alot of mistakes were made but valuable lessons learnt. i feel sorry for people who do not learn. life is too short to keep taking steps backwards rather than learning and improving. holding grudges just isnt worth it.

i love my mother. she is so much bashment ahahahhaha. not to mention a fantastic teacher. i wish my uwi teachers were like that.

toodles peeps

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The Nothings of my Life
sit back,relax and smile!