Friday, June 20, 2003
NO BODY and i mean NO FUCKING BODY is allowed to touch my RASSHOLE sister but me. whoever does, answers to fucking me!!!! do i get irrational, hell fucking yes. now that EVERYBODY knows that. let me just say when it comes to family, i lose my cool if anybody fucks around. and my head is hot as cunt now :@
vex i aint responsible for my actions
posted by Neysa 6/20/2003 12:53:04 AM Comments []
Thursday, June 19, 2003
so i finally saw my nephew, the first night he was in a MOST unsociable mood. i think he was just bitter at aunty neysa for not coming to visit him, i understood tho. by the second night he was sweet as ever. lol tonight i went in xtreme to experience it on wednesdays. let's just say i'll stick to saturdays shall we.!! i had cool company tho, so its all good. i'm home early cause i need to rest for my boxercise class at noon tomorrow. lord knows i need to get in as much gym as possible before i start working.
cropover around the corner....YIPPEEEE!!! cant wait for nika,ria and khalilie to get home!!!
ps.watched "finding nemo" for the second time today, it was just as good the second time around. "Do you speak whale??" ahahahhahahhaahahhahhahahahh
posted by Neysa 6/19/2003 01:22:54 AM Comments []
Monday, June 16, 2003
well xtreme wasnt as good as it usually is, but i get out de house anyways. yes yes i was in my uniform "almighty" white pants, and as always it did its job, however, i lost de mood sometime during the night because there wasnt enuff bashment being played and it was BUUUUUUUUUURSEEEE wid ppl. but it was cool. and yes Kiwi and i did share our lil 'pee pee' moment. lol
father's day went well, it was also my mom's bday, so they got a combined gift which they loved. so thats good. spent the day with them, and sleeping. didnt get to see my nephew, this is going on 4 days, i'm going into withdrawal!!!! :(
anyways going to look at the moon from the patio, toodles
posted by Neysa 6/16/2003 01:32:37 AM Comments []
The Nothings of my Life
sit back,relax and smile!