Saturday, September 13, 2003
ok,so i made it back to salsavida this week again. anika and i are hook. too bad she leaving thursday :'(. however, i'll be picking up latin dancing from the 22nd sept(my bday), so hopefully in a few months i'll be shaking my boo-tay. then i'll be able to learn from de dancer gal Ms.Daana. i hope she ready,cause i want to be good.
and boy do u work up a sweat. maybe i'll shed my 15lbs,and aquire some abs with all the swizzling i'll get to do. :D........HOPEFULLY.
singing in spanish........even tho i dont know the language.
posted by Neysa 9/13/2003 02:15:05 AM Comments []
Thursday, September 11, 2003
so imagine i turn on my tv and see steve harvey's new show. big time with steve harvey. so anyways, one of his guests comes on the stage with ingredients to make a sandwich, low and behold, de man tek off he shoes and socks and start making de sandwich wid he feet :O. de man toes look soo nasty dread, and he stick his foot down in a bottle of pickles :S,bleh.... it was a bologna sandwich.
of course steve harvey nah eat dat, but this homeless looking white boy, come pun top de stage and eat it. then the next guest is an actural analyst with a talent. oh yes, he can........open a bottle of beer with his belly button. so the homeless looking guy, eating the sandwich made by feet then gets a beer opened by a man's belly button.
things on the tv these days.
posted by Neysa 9/11/2003 09:52:55 PM Comments []
well i here so eating some prunes, i hope my belly doan hold me tomorrow at school :|. i am so fedup of flicking to channel 8 and seeing carolyn leacock, back in de 80's singing some love song. i me for goodness sakes. put back on soul food or something.
... today was fucking ridiculous. was on de road at 7:45am only to get to stinking uwi at 8:45, then the sun just had no mercy, and of course i had a bio lab, so i had to be all garbed in covering clothes. i had a three hour break, but was too tired to drive home, so i did the only logical thing, opened my car up and tried to sleep in the backseat. i dont know if its just me, but as if they are twice the amount of students this year than they were last year. shit man. yuh can even fart in peace, without a minimum of 20 ppl within a 10 foot radius of u.
... ok so what, i love to flirt. i cant help it. i mean, i only do it with certain ppl of course. what i like more, is when its with someone i know i do not want, if the guy has no chance in hell, however there is that physical attraction. u men know what i talking bout. you know when u just want to fuck it but u dont want any strings attached, or any emotional attachment. however in my case i dont follow through with my actions (which i do have by the way). i totally agree that talk is cheap, and actions speak WAAAY louder than words. but right now the only action i want is school. however, the occasional x-rated flirt does me quite good. especially when the other party is, and i quote "Neysa, i want u, and i am a very spoilt man, i always get what i want. I am 100% confident that i will have you"
BWAHAHAHAHHah ahahHAHAHHA hahhahhahahha woiiii that was my ego boost for today. at least the poor kid knows i have not and will not fall for those lines. and yes i did laugh out in his face.
boy he sexy. his woman should be lucky. ye right. oh ye, he got a woman, and running all that talk. /me shakes head. that does not cut it with me. sorry.
school tomorrow...bah humbug
oh ye, in men language....the phrase "i want you", is the polite way of saying "i want to hit it" or "i want to fuck it". just remember that :D
posted by Neysa 9/11/2003 12:06:44 AM Comments []
Tuesday, September 09, 2003
The Cosby Family i love the cosby's. i watch it whenever reruns are showing on nick @nite. wouldnt it be great if i can have a family like that. the father of my kids to be so in touch with them. it gives me that warm fuzzy feeling, like there is hope. but then the show ends and i remember its just a tv show. it isnt real life. but that would be nice.
i am spending too much time wid my nephew. got me thinking all this maternal kind of thoughts, and family and car pooling and shit. dammit. but he is too precious for me to not stop going and visiting him.
i need to lose 15lbs.
posted by Neysa 9/09/2003 02:03:53 AM Comments []
Monday, September 08, 2003
first day of school not too bad. i only had one hour thus far so i'm home. i going and get some sleep. it is hot as ass. i know i am going to hate biology this semester. but i must pass. i dont want to follow suit to everyone and fail it. if only i can get hold of the text books. because OF COURSE the book store does not have a single one of them. of course they have the books for second semester tho. like that gine help me now. schuuuuuuuuuuups.
... (8)baby boy you stay on my mind, baby boy you are so damn fine(8) beyonce dunning up de place. i saw the music video wid her and sean paul, and one part of it, she dancing in de sand and de girl look skinny as ever. she better doan lose any weight, she is my inspiration cause my hips big too :$. but i tell yuh dat song is real sweet.
well i know singing isnt my talent, i wonder what it is... /me walks away pondering :S
posted by Neysa 9/08/2003 11:50:00 AM Comments []
The Nothings of my Life
sit back,relax and smile!