Friday, May 28, 2004
Govan to the rescue so neysa is at home hungry as a mofo. all there is to eat is bread and cheese. my you whole week i craving fish and chips like nuttin else. so i decide to surprise govan with a call, only to find out he is at sherbourn centre. :O i was about to light up in he fuh not inviting me to bingo, but he quickly calmed me down by letting me know he was working. then i coerced him into coming with me to get some grub. and let me tell you, we were both well satisfied. lorda mercy, grilled dolphine and fried king fish. oistins is de flex from now on doh. fuh shizzle.
anyways de ethnic fatigue has attacked, bedtime. gotta rest up for later tonight,hehehhe
posted by Neysa 5/28/2004 12:25:46 AM Comments []
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
first of all happy belated bday to ria. even tho she in washington, we gine celebrate when she get back. and tyler's bday was the 24th, huey's today and khalil's on the 29th. i know alot of may borns. i wonder whoelse bday coming up soon. hmmmmmmmmm *me pondering*. i hope things cool with everyone. right now just trying to make some dinero before my trip. yes so i will be out of bim for a month. going canada and baltimore. great being around the family. i still gotta find something to wear for my cousin's wedding. and shedding this fat aint working so whatever it is gotta be big. i think bout a sheet from my parents bed but i gotta see which colour best suits me.
i need to do some form of physical activity and fast. oh and the store i working in got a sale. so come on down to sheraton and buy some plates and cups and napkins.
what to do tonight?? boatyard, xtreme,mcbrides, go and watch shrek or sleep. hmmmmm? it looking like sleep.
ahahahahahhaha,just pissed my sister off. she is very entertaining when she is miserable. ahahahahhahah it is one of her best qualities.
right so enough about nothing toodles
ps. oh yea the store is called Party Occasions
posted by Neysa 5/26/2004 08:26:30 PM Comments []
The Nothings of my Life
sit back,relax and smile!