Wednesday, December 08, 2004
nothing like bonding with my siblings at 1 in the morning watching eddie griffin in Dysfunktional Family. and might i add, it was HILARIOUS. i havent laughed so hard in a long time. it was so funny. celina and i were killing ourselves, and rohan in between his "late night phone calls" was enjoying himself too. i think its time for me to go and rent kings of comedy and have some more laughs tonight.
*** earlier in the night i went to visit ethan. poor kid, he was sooo glad to see mummy,lini and i, that when we were leaving the child cry sooooo bad. my goodness. i've never seen him cry so bad in the 1 year 4 months he been alive. he would not let go of us when we hugged him goodbye. but i guess he is at the attaching stage, where he remembers ppl and doesnt want them to go as he doesnt know when they will come back. poor kid. and he going to leave me next wednesday and head to trinidad so his mommy can deliver baby number 2, due end of january. so when i go for cahnival, i will have to pay them a visit. i need to get some pics of him up soon.
*** hope all is well with everyone. all is well with my hole. its closing up nicely. mom said it is the size of about 3 almonds. not bad considering it was the size of a large egg.
posted by Neysa 12/08/2004 02:44:54 PM Comments []
The Nothings of my Life
sit back,relax and smile!