Wednesday, July 13, 2005
I must be making money when I get older. Let's face it, shopping is so much fun. I bought 4 pairs of shoes yesterday. I know that is alot, but in actuality, it was only two pairs, since the other two were for work. There I go trying to justify my purchases. But Super Styles had a $25 shoe sale, yuh can't go wrong for $25. Also, considering this summer I trying to be more feminine and wear heels and ting. Now if only there was somewhere nice to go so I could wear my heels. My consolation was that I am not as bad as a friend of mine, who bought 17 pairs of shoes over the last two weeks, and she was in the Super Styles when I was leaving, walking around barefoot trying on shoes. She has no room for her clothes, they are in suitcases and her closests are filled with shoes. *sigh* oh to be making my own money and shit loads of it.
Shopping is great therapy, it is a fantastic pick-me-upper. I give it two thumbs up.
*** I'm sick. My throat is killing me. My mouth taste icky regardless of how many times I brush it. I slept for the whole day, although I did not miss much of Hurrican Emily. Barbadians say your prayers tonight and thank God for sparing us once again, because we definitely cannot handle that kind of natural disaster. However, people should still be on the alert because they still have another 15 or so storms to pass our way before the hurricane season is over.
*** You believe I still have not received my grade slip from UWI as yet. What the heck is wrong with those people. *sigh* Mind you, I will be doing summer school exams next week. Those people crazy. And want me to pay more school fees for this crap service.
*** Just so I have not been to the gym since last wednesday and I feel that I have put on all 3 lbs I lost. *sigh* Why doesn't this weight want to leave me??? *sob sob*
*** My going out vibe seems to be fluctuating. One minute I'm all geared up to be going on and licking shots, the next minute, I just want my bed and a slice of cheesecake, and a massage won't be bad either.
I going and take a shower peoples. Toodles. Don't forget to say your prayers tonight.
posted by Neysa 7/13/2005 10:39:00 PM Comments []
The Nothings of my Life
sit back,relax and smile!