Friday, October 14, 2005
my blogger seems to be fooling around. i'm not quite sure what's going on.
anyways...school is really taking its toll on me. i havent been getting much sleep. i have no social life. i am always tired from these group meetings and projects and shit. and by the time they are finished then it will be exams. and christmas will fly by and then the cycle starts over again in january. *sigh* ah well.
tonight i want to go to kmc, but right now i am going on very little sleep. had a promotion last night at the hilton, which by the was is very nice, finished at midnight, then came home read some work and then had an 8am class this morning. blech
*** Common has a really seducing look. i like some of his music and thing. he was on an ad about you and your partner getting tested for HIV. nice brownskin sexy brother. aint got none in bim.
*** anyways back to the library.
posted by Neysa 10/14/2005 11:31:00 AM Comments []
The Nothings of my Life
sit back,relax and smile!