Wednesday, November 16, 2005
We Won!!!Trinidad going to de world cup in Germany. My crazy mummy call me telling me that we going when she and I go to England for my cousin's wedding. lol. My trini party animal buddy, call me from trinidad saying "Neys, we win, you should be here, its carnival in November, ppl left work, dancing in de streets, motorcade, Holiday tomorrow (thursday)" ahahahahahahah. I cant wait to see him for carnival dread. Carnival will be soooo sweet next year. I know Kiwi , Trina (heheheh) and I will have a blast. I love Maximus Dan song "Fighter". I come home and my mummy singing Bunji and Patrice "Islands", and "Fighter". She is too funny. Anyways I am exhausted, bedtime lata According to mummy "Say what allyuh want, Trinis know how to be supportive and enjoy life. Trinis sweet." I agree, I love being one. :D thanks to my mumsy (8)I am a sooooooocccaa warrior, I say win or lose I am a fighter, I am a soooooooocaa, I come to shine my nationality brighter(8) |
The Nothings of my Life |