Thursday, January 05, 2006
Fourth threesome experience, First Lesbian experience
So it was the final night of the 3some parties and it was not as packed as the first three weeks, so that wasnt too bad. However as i was making my way to the bar to get a napkin this butch looking woman says to me in a very brawling voice "Girl you look SAUCY AS CUNT". So i say "Thank you". By the time i am finished with the bar she is gone, thankfully. So as I am going through the crowd with the shot bottle, my hand is pulled and i am dragged by the same woman. She wants a shot, so as I am pouring the shot she says to me "Can I grab your ass?" however while asking me that she proceeds to grab my ass, so I did not get the chance to even answer the question. I was soooo dumbfounded by her forwardness and i felt extremely uncomfortable. I told one of my trainers and he laughed and told me that i have reached the height of sexiness since i am appealing to both sexes. :S i guess i should feel good, but i feel very weird. These lesbians real brave though.
*** Anyways in much better news. I won a ticket to carnival :D *grin* *grin* *grin*. Yes envy me. heheheheh. I can't wait.
*** This vacation was not too bad, I really hope UWI registration this semester is much better coordinated than last semester. I would really like to see my grades, you know in the states they get they grades like a week after they write the exam. Blasted UWI.
off to read my book. toodles
posted by Neysa 1/05/2006 02:25:00 PM Comments []
The Nothings of my Life
sit back,relax and smile!